- Appraisal and Employee Review
- Assertive Communication
- Business Studies
- Change Management
- Coaching and Mentoring / in the Workplace
- Communication
- Complaints Management
- Conflict Management
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Creativity and Innovation
- Culture Awareness
- Decision Making
- Developing Self and Others
- Discipline and Grievance
- Emotional Intelligence
- Employability Skills-Pathways to Digital Employment (non-IT element)
- Enterprise Programme (schools)
- Equality and Diversity
- Higher Apprentices
- Higher Apprenticeship IT Professional (non-IT element)
- ILM Coaching
- Innovation and Change
- Interpersonal Skills
- Leadership and Management
- Lean Methodologies
- Managing Lawfully
- Meetings Management
- Motivation
- Negotiation Skills
- Performance Review and Appraisal (Management)
- Personal and Professional Development
- Presentation Skills
- Problem-Solving
- Project Management
- Recruitment Interviewing
- Relationship Management
- Research Skills
- Retail Careers Workshop
- SEN schools/students & CPD
- Stock Exchange Workshop (schools)
- Stress Management
- Team Leading for new Team Leaders
- Team Building and Teamwork
- Time Management
- Train the Trainer
- Training Needs Analysis
- Tutoring-various levels
- Enterprise in schools; families to business development
Interested but course not listed? Please let me know and I will be happy assist either as provider or by referral to a suitable associate.