The brain-mind relationship is an incredibly complex marriage and like marriages sometimes has its hiccups.
The fact is that we all possess different skills and abilities but historically there has been an unfair stigma attached to special educational needs and abilities (SEND).
We all need training and development, and individuals with neurodiverse conditions may require additional support to ensure that they perform to their best - their potential.
It is my (personal) belief that we all have a place somewhere along the SEND spectrum but don't know it, yet...
Whilst things are improving via legislation e.g. Equality Act 2010 (updated), there are still employers and colleagues who still remain blissfully unaware of such regulations, and the individual's rights.
FACT - People with SEND are likely to outperform in certain disciplines, when they become aware of how to best apply their skill set.
In the last couple of years I have been working with children with SEND who have fallen behind with their studies and need 121 support to improve their knowledge and perhaps more importantly their self-belief and confidence.
It's the same with adult learners too; college and university students needing but not receiving appropriate support, falling behind with their studies and failing.
Since the start of the year I have also been supporting people with SEND and other neurodiverse challenges in the workplace, using specific strategies to improve awareness, their environment and their performance, built upon a solid foundation of self-belief.
If people believe that they can, they will, and the reverse is also true...
FACT - Once people become aware of the many positives their neurodiversity provides, they can be used as strengths, also benefiting colleagues and employers.